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The Ngorongoro Crater

The cradle of life


Located on the Great Rift Valley edge, the Ngorongoro Crater is a remarkable geological feature and one of the best places to see The Big 5.

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Easily Tanzania’s most remarkable geological feature. The unique ecosystem of the Crater supports one of Africa’s densest populations of wildlife, making for fantastic game viewing in an even better location.

Ben Nelson

Exploring the Magnificence of Ngorongoro Crater: Africa's Natural Wonder

Nestled within the heart of Tanzania, the Ngorongoro Crater stands as a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty of nature. This geological marvel, formed millions of years ago from a collapsed volcano, boasts an unparalleled ecosystem that supports a diverse array of wildlife. From its sweeping savannahs to its verdant forests, the Ngorongoro Crater is a sanctuary for both animal enthusiasts and adventurers alike. Let's delve into the wonders of this UNESCO World Heritage Site and uncover the secrets that lie within.

Geological Marvel

The Ngorongoro Crater is the world's largest inactive, intact volcanic caldera, with a diameter spanning approximately 20 kilometers. Its formation dates back over two million years, when a massive volcano erupted and collapsed upon itself, creating the distinctive bowl-shaped depression that we see today. This geological phenomenon is not only a sight to behold but also serves as a vital ecosystem that sustains a remarkable concentration of wildlife.

Biodiversity Hotspot

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Ngorongoro Crater is its unparalleled biodiversity. Within its confines, visitors can encounter an astonishing array of wildlife, including the iconic "Big Five" – lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinoceroses. Additionally, the crater is home to over 400 bird species, making it a paradise for birdwatchers. From graceful flamingos to majestic eagles, the avian inhabitants of the crater add to its natural splendor.

Safari Adventure

Embarking on a safari adventure in the Ngorongoro Crater is an experience like no other. Visitors have the opportunity to traverse its rugged terrain in search of elusive predators and graceful herbivores. Whether embarking on a guided game drive or opting for a self-drive safari, the crater offers endless opportunities for wildlife encounters. From witnessing a pride of lions lounging beneath the acacia trees to marveling at a herd of elephants making their way to a watering hole, every moment spent in the crater is filled with excitement and wonder.

A popular choice

The Ngorongoro Crater is no zoo, but it can be bustling. As with so many of the planet's exceptional destinations, you will not be the only person visiting. There is no denying that the Ngorongoro's safari is not as authentic as elsewhere; there are too many visitors. However, consider the animals are there of their own free will and that you are on safari in an extinct volcano!

Top tip

Wake up early to visit the Crater floor. If you can be first on the Crater floor, the experience is out of this world, but be 30 minutes late and it can be troublesome as queues build.

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Cultural Heritage

In addition to its natural wonders, the Ngorongoro Crater is also steeped in cultural significance. The Maasai people, who have inhabited the region for centuries, coexist harmoniously with the wildlife that roams the crater's plains. Visitors to the area have the opportunity to learn about the traditional customs and way of life of the Maasai through immersive cultural experiences. From traditional dances to visits to authentic Maasai villages, exploring the cultural heritage of the Ngorongoro Crater adds depth and meaning to any journey.

Preservation Efforts

As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Ngorongoro Crater is subject to stringent conservation measures aimed at preserving its natural beauty and ecological integrity. Through sustainable tourism practices and community engagement initiatives, efforts are underway to safeguard the delicate balance of this unique ecosystem. By supporting responsible tourism and conservation efforts, visitors can play a vital role in ensuring that future generations will have the opportunity to marvel at the wonders of the Ngorongoro Crater.


Activities in the Ngorongoro Crater are limited to game drives only. Walking safari as well as night safari is not permitted. There are lodges on the Crater rim that offer short walks, but you have to move farther afield into the Ngorongoro Conservation Area to find longer walks and village visits.

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